beyond gdp policy frameworks

..and their abbreviations, used commonly throughout the app

sustainable development goals


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals and around 170 sub-goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.

sdg website

ecosystem services


We can use the Ecosystem Services approach also for identification of impacts of nature investments by using the so called CICES, i.e. the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services.

The Ecosystem Services Framework highlights the benefits which nature brings to human well-being. It has three main categories: provisioning, regulating and cultural ecosystem services. And beyond that some 56 more detailed services. Biodiversity impacts are separately asked for in the tool.


broad well-being

Taking the OECD Better Life Initiative as its basis here we measure your project’s contribution to broad human well-being. Three main categories: material living conditions, quality of life and sustainability of the socio-economic and natural systems. The framework includes 11 dimensions of life for current well-being and 4 capital stocks for future well-being.

It includes 11 dimensions of life for current well-being and 4 different ‘capital stocks’ for future well-being.